Frequently Asked Questions
What Can Be Treated with Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is both a treatment and a form of prevention. With the support of Traditional Chinese Medicine and a good diagnosis, we can address physical and emotional issues. Each treatment is unique to each patient, depending on their condition and specific needs. For example, two patients with the same symptoms will not necessarily receive the same treatment. Likewise, a patient may receive one type of treatment one week and a different one the next, stimulating different acupuncture points according to their evolution.
What Is a Veterinary Acupuncture Consultation Like?
A consultation in acupuncture consists of several stages. The first is anamnesis, where we talk to the owner to gather relevant information about the patient. Then, we use diagnostic techniques of Traditional Chinese Medicine, such as observation, pulse taking, tongue diagnosis, and evaluation of Jing points and Shu points, to guide the diagnosis. Finally, we integrate all the information to reach a definitive diagnosis. From there, we choose a treatment strategy that includes selecting specific acupuncture points that will be stimulated with needles, moxa, laser, among others, depending on the patient’s case.
How Often Should a Treatment Be Performed?
The frequency of treatment depends on each patient. In cases of prevention, it can be done annually. However, if it involves chronic issues, the treatment strategy may require monthly or even weekly sessions.
How Long Does a Session Last?
A complete acupuncture session can last between one hour and an hour and a half, depending on the patient.
What Does It Feel Like to Insert an Acupuncture Needle?
The needles do not cause pain when inserted. On the contrary, some patients, especially animals, relax, feeling that the treatment is for their benefit. The perception varies from individual to individual, but generally, sensations of warmth, a slight tingling, or even the feeling of energy flowing can be experienced.
What Animals Can Be Treated with Acupuncture?
The treatment strategy is similar for all species, including humans; the only thing that varies is the anatomy. For example, some animals have four or five toes, while others, like horses, only have one. Therefore, the location of the points may change, adapting to the anatomy of each species.